If there’s one thing that prevents people from living the life they want - it’s other people telling them how life “really” is.
A really bad habit society has adapted is creating “rules” for how life is. These rules are passed down from generation to generation; they’re spoken about in workspaces, amongst friends, on the tv shows we watch, the books we read, even as social media memes- they’re everywhere. And since these life truths are everywhere, people continuously accept them as true.
But, via the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, these “truths” are only “true” because people believe them to be true.
Thanks to this energy field we live in, where we, our thoughts, and our reality are all energy… whatever we think, whatever we believe about life is exactly what shows up for us.
To state it simply, everything you expect to happen gets projected into the energy field and in turn comes back to you fully manifested.
And that’s why people keep experiencing the same “truths” and same type of lives because they expect it.
For example: how many memes/ jokes on social media/conversations with friends are about how adulthood is just a state of always being tired and depressed? How work sucks, there’s no time for anything, and its impossible to ever get enough sleep. There’s self-deprecating humor constantly around us about how messed up our lives our and how we're all anxious and depressed 24/7.
People always talk about how their children are so difficult and draining … and in the older generation espeicallyyyyy: how many of them complain about their spouses? There’s always this stereotype that husbands are uncaring and forgetful, wives are nagging and demanding, and love fades with time. How many times have you heard straight men refer to their wives as “the boss of the relationship,” and as dictating their fun times, or even stripping away their fun times?
People laugh about being excited to get away from their spouse and children (even though they were the ones who wanted a spouse and children in the first place???).
In dating, how often have you heard of “the honeymoon phase” that the beginning is fun and magical, but then love fades over time and relationships become hardwork; it’s a constant state of compromising and sacrifice.
People also accept that as you get older, your bodies change, often getting “weaker and “less beautiful.” (which I’ll say right here is terrible because every body is beautiful).
There’s a very prominent spoken belief where people joke about money being scarce; how no one being able to afford anything is the norm. “Things are too expensive” is a constant topic of conversation and people even joke about being in debt. Owning a home is expensive and all your money gets drained into it….
In your workplace, the boss is always a jerk, you never get raises, "no one likes work" but "you gotta do what you gotta do." Working corporate is the only safe way…everyday is another grind…being a doctor or a lawyer are the only respectful careers...
I could go on and on and on about the terrible truths I know we’ve all heard from people throughout our lives … and yet, we see these truths continue in people’s lives because they believe it. They believe “that’s just how life is” and accept it, resigned to their fate.
I don’t know about you, but literally all of those truths sound sooooo terrible. People have created their own self-fulfilling prophecies. By expecting work to be horrible, to always be tired, to have their love fade, to have their children be annoying, to have their body look worse in their opinion, to always be in debt, etc, etc - that’s exactly what they’re receiving.
Every topic of conversation they have surrounding those societal “truths” are just sealing their fate more and more.
The more we talk about a topic, the more energy and attention we give to it - so of course it’s going to show up in our reality!
I wish people would realize that their words have power; so much power; that everything they believe and give their attention to becomes their truth.
But luckily for you and me, we’re more aware of these things. We realize that life doesn’t have to be these ways. None of these “societal truths” has to be true AT ALL. We have the power and we can create the truths that WE want to actually see in our lives!
Honestly, I stopped using the phrase “I’m tired” years ago, because I realized it was just creating more and more tiredness… and since I stopped using that, I’ve had way more energy.
I especially refuse to believe those terrible relationship dynamics. Why want a spouse and children if they’re going to make you miserable, or you’ll be glad to get away from them? Just be single and on your own if that’s the case! (But again, people could neverrrr because society says you’re unsuccessful if you don’t get married and have children 🙄)
I refused to ever believe that “the honeymoon” stage is a thing. At the time of writing this, I’ve known my true love for 6 years and we’ve been dating for 4 … and our love has only grown with time. We have even more fun now than we did in the beginning and I know that’ll keep being true because we both believe it. We both made our truths that love gets stronger and more enjoyable over time. It grows every day in every way!
We would never be glad to be rid of each other; that’s just a terrible relationship. If you are happy to be gone from your partner for a weekend or week or so, I highly suggest you reconsider why you are even in that relationship in the first place.
In my relationship, we certainly don’t control or nag each other. Dating a man, I have not experienced that he is forgetful or "trash" like society likes to tell us. He’s incredibly thoughtful and emotional and caring and loyal.
Our love is so not hard, it’s not a sacrifice, it’s not compromise; it’s just love. It’s fun, it’s happiness, it’s joy, its excitement and laughter. Sure, every once in a while we’ll have … I don’t even want to say argument because it doesn’t turn into a full blown argument, but every once in a while we’ll have a disagreement, but it’s never a big deal and we always talk it out and be considerate of each other’s feelings, and that’s that! We move on with love and compassion.
Love is what you expect it to be. I genuinely always expected a happily ever after, an amazing love like no other, like one from all the fairy tales where it’s easy and right and magical - and that’s exactly what I got. I know my partner thought the same way too, and that’s why we were aligned in manifesting each other!
Don’t let society tell you love is hard or you’ll never find your perfect partner; these just come from miserable people recycling outdated truths.
You can find your dream person; you can be madly in love for decades; you canexperience romance, not just in the beginning but throughout your entire relationship!
It’s possible to find someone thoughtful and caring and consideration. It’s possible to not make any sacrifices and to just enjoy being together always.
Make your relationship truths whatever you want!
In terms of finances, sure, maybe sometimes things are expensive, but you don’t have to normalize debt or feeling bad about money. Even if abundance hasn’t yet shown up in your reality, you can declare a new truth. Declare a truth that money is a magnet to you; that you always have more than enough. Choose to feel good about money; choose to understand that money works for you. Choose the truth that money can in fact buy happiness (because whoever passed down the lie it can’t, clearly never went on vacation or enjoyed cute clothing!)
You don’t have to succumb to the truth that jobs don’t pay you enough - you can choose to see that money can come from anywhere and everywhere. Normalize wealth. There’s plenty of people who figured out that truth…so why can’t it also be you?
And in terms of the harmful truth that bodies get worse as you age, there’s people in their 90s running races! There’s people who have stronger bodies at 50 than they did at 20. Nothing means anything. Whatever body you feel good in can be the body you have.
Choose to believe that you get more beautiful with time (I promise if you feel you’re beautiful, that energy from within will radiate and shine without and make others see it too!). Choose to believe that your body is beautiful, no matter what, and that whatever your ideal version of a body is can be yours at every age. Your health and strength can get better as you age. Why not? Affirm the new truth that every year, you get better and better! (And of course, remember, better is relative! Compare yourself only to you… you are a perfect, beautiful wonderful human being as you are right now, I can assure you…but if you want to improve yourself in anyway that’s okay too so long as you’re doing it just for you and not societal expectations!)
Children don’t have to be draining. I always thought the weirdest thing is that how everyone expects everyone to have children - and then all everybody does is complain about their children! I’ve heard horror stories from parents that completely turn me off from parenthood, but I’ve also heard the rare stories from parents about how they loved pregnancy and having children and it was all harmonious and genuinely a great time. So that can all be perspective, too. If you have this truth in your mind that having children destroys your life, then either don’t have kids, or if you do still want kids - you can change your truth, find examples of people who genuinely, fully completely enjoyed having kids in their lives (and not just the fake stories people post to look good lol)
People constantly say “there’s never enough time” which of course, manifests never enough time. A while ago, I created the truth “I always have more than enough time to get done everything I need to.” And guess what? I always do. And I still get 9 hours of sleep, too!
Society creates sooooo many truths about how life is… but the real truth is that none of has to be real. It’s only real because people decided it to be real. If you want to experience something else, choose and declare new truths!
If you have trouble believing these truths, that’s okay! One thing that helped me, especially in relationships, was to find examples of where societal truths aren’t true. Find examples of couples who are happily in love into their 90s. Or even find fictional couples who have that fairy tale true love. No matter what it is in terms of relationship truths, financial truths, adulthood truths, health truths, job truths - if you can find just one example to prove those societal truths wrong … that can help break that limiting belief for you. Just one example will show you those rules don’t apply to everyone … and if they don’t apply to X person, they surely don’t have to apply to you either.
Law of Oneness, what’s possible for one is possible for all. So if you see someone else living the anti-societal truths of having a magical love, of getting a stronger body with age, of being financially abundant, of absolutely loving what they do for work, then know all that means is it’s possible for you too!
Again, keep reminding yourself other people’s truths do not have to be your truths. Cleanse your aura from everybody’s opinions and remind yourself of your power. Life gets to be what YOU say it is; it gets to be what YOU decide it to be. So toady, decide to create your own truths!
Make a list even of each area of your life of what you want to experience in each. Work on clearing out any limiting beliefs that contradict you (again you can do this by proving those truths wrong and constantly affirming your new story). Declare it to be true, put it out in the universe as your set of personal rules…and then just keep believing and knowing it’s possible for you.
Because it is <3