There’s always been this vibe in the world that your life is defined by the big things you achieve & nothing else matters except your success. I know even I’ve been guilty of just focusing on the future & the major things I still want to achieve…but lately, I’ve been thinking about how while yes obvs the big dreams are great to have, it’s really all the little moments that piece together a great life…
*Hysterical laughing with your best friends until your stomach hurts
*When your favorite artist releases a new album & you get a new favorite song & you just listen to it on repeat because it’s SO GOOD!
*The moment you happen to meet the person who winds up becoming your true love (& the fact you can look back & realize at the time you had no idea who they’d wind up being!)
*Wrapping yourself up in a giant blanket like a burrito & watching your favorite movie
*Having a baby you know smile & laugh at you
*Going to a flower garden or tropical beach or place in nature that’s just sooooo beautiful (Also seeing a really cute bunny or butterfly or duck or some other cute creature in that nature)
*Taking the first bite of the best dessert ever
*Creating art for fun & actually thinking it turned out amazing!
*Kindness amongst strangers
*Getting dressed up in a way that expresses your personal style makes you feel super cute!
I could go on and on there's so many more!
Sometimes we get so stressed with work or over money & feel like we haven’t amounted to anything because we haven’t gotten to where want to yet that we forget to look around & notice how our lives are filled with soooo many seemingly normal yet actually wonderful things that make our life pretty magical + great.
This week, Try to take notice of the little things in your life that fill your heart with love! ❤️