We live in a world with billions of people and even if we are the most confident person in the world, it can still be difficult to not worry about / feel bad about others opinions of you, every once in a while.
So, when it comes to anxiety of wondering if or feeling like people don’t like you: just take a deep breath and ask yourself this: “do YOU genuinely like who you are?”
It may sound cliche, but it’s so true in that the ONLY person who’s opinion of you will ever matter is : your own!
People don’t know you as well as you know you. Especially people you’re not close to. And doesn’t it so often seem like the people who don’t like us are NOT in our inner circle? Funny how that works, right? The people who know us best are usually the ones who DO love us.
It’s also soooo important to keep in mind that people always see us through their own personal lens of reality - which is often distorted through their own biases, judgements, and internal conflicts.
Trust me, I know it’s hard to shake it off sometimes. Honestly in the past, I’ve found myself feeling so bad sometimes that people didn’t like me (I think for me, personally, I’ve always had such a strong self-love, that it’s like: “wait how could someone not like me? I’m so nice and fun!”😆)-
But then I’ve also realized that the the people who didn’t like me, they were ones that I didn’t even like! They’ve all been mean and negative and judgmental anyway (and thats why I didn’t like them) So why was I caring what they thought about me??
There’s billions of people in this world and it’d be impossible to get along with all of them.
Most of us are such kind, caring, spiritual people who try to see the good in everyone - we’re sensitive souls, so it may feel so weird when others don’t like us when we know we’re good, kind people.
But truth is, there are people we just aren’t meant to vibe with and that’s OKAY! It’s okay to not be liked by everyone. And to be honest, it’s even more okay to not be liked by people you don’t like yourself. There’s usually a reason you don’t like them - they’re just not your type of person. You’re not aligned with their views of life. So it’s probably a good thing there’s a dislike because you wouldn’t want their misaligned vibes in your life, anyway.
The biggest realization I’ve had was that people tend to hate on, dislike, and judge what they’re not but wish they were. Not 100% of the time, but pretty close to it, people sooo often hate on what they’re jealous of!
I’ve had a co-worker completely turn on me and bully me because while we were hired for the same job, I had extra skills (that I literally went to college for) that made me more valuable - so I was promoted and given better assignments and working hours.
I’ve had classmates and co-workers be mean to me, ignore me & talk poorly about me to others, solely because a boy had a crush on me instead of them (didn’t even matter if I liked the boy back or not.)
I’ve had other women be mean to me & judge me & imply I don't eat because I’m a smaller size than them.
I’ve been disliked because I’m too positive, too bubbly, too nice, & always seem like I’m doing something fun, so it must all be fake and curated. (This one always makes me laugh)
Anyway, I could go on and on and on - but the truth is, none of that is a reflection on me…
All it is is a reflection on those people.
Happy people don’t hate on people. I, myself, a happy person, and even my inner circle, other happy people, always seem to be cheering each other and others on. When we see someone achieving something or having fun, we’re genuinely happy for them.
Only people who are unhappy with their own life, or aspects of their life, will be mean for no reason.
So remember, if someone doesn’t like you, and you’re a kind, good person, chances are something about you just triggers them. It means nothing about you and everything about them! They have their own issues they’re not dealing with. So just send them light and hope they do.
Find your tribe and stick with who feels good to you, stick with who you like that also likes you :) Let go on the negative haters, their opinions will never matter. Again, the only one who matters is YOU. And if you like who you are, you’re doing great <3
Bonus tips for when you are overcome with anxiety over negative, mean people:
If it’s someone like a co-worker or family member you can’t avoid, I recommend surrounding yourself in a black bubble of light before you see them. Imagine the bubble of light as a protective rubber, so all of their bad vibes and mean opinions will bounce off the bubble. Imagine the inside of the black bubble as beautiful, swirling rainbow colors, so this way you’re in all the best vibes on the inside; their opinions can’t penetrate your bubble so you’re safe and protected
Call upon Archangel Michael and ask him to cut the energetic cord between you and the negative person so that their opinions can no longer effect you. Imagine him slicing the cords, and you being free of them. You can also ask him to protect you from the opinions of others.
Go into meditation, and envision your entire body filling up with beautiful white light. Imagine two ribbons attached at the bottoms of your feet going all the way down to the beautiful, center core of Earth, where a beautiful white light exists. Imagine releasing all the stress, anxiety, and negativity. Imagine releasing that specific person (or people) as well… imagine sending them down the ribbons, into the beautiful white light…. completely letting go the situation and fully healing it.
Use the ancient Hawaiian technique of H’oponopono. It’s a forgiveness technique that will help you release all the energy between you and whoever makes you feel bad. Imagine the person and say “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I forgive you. I thank you. I love you.” This will help both you and them feel better and helps you fully let go of the person who doesn’t like you.
Either journal it out or think, but send them love & light & wish them well. Pray for their healing.
And then, actively choose to focus more on the people who DO like you! Do a bonus journal entry, where you write down everything you like about the people you LOVE. Even write down a special memory with each of them that prove they love you for you - that will usually help put you in a better mood and feel more loved.
Just remember, you are amazing, you are loved, and you are perfectly wonderful just by being you <3