One thing that’s been popping up in my mind a lot lately is the idea of finding our own unique path to success. Thanks to social media we see others living the lifestyle we want (one of freedom or lucrative income) and we look at what they’re doing and we think: “maybe I could do that…”
We are constantly bombarded by others, now more than ever, running their own businesses and making their own lives, and having thousands of followers and maybe even thousands upon thousands of dollars…so we think maybe I should make jewelry like them or I should be a photographer or I should be a relationship coach or whatever it is. We see these other people living brilliantly in their authentic selves, shining bright, making money doing it, having the freedom and we think the key for us to have the same thing would be to emulate their success.
But… that’s where the problem is. Maybe THEY are making loads of money and having freedom doing what they’re doing but that’s because that’s THEIR life path… not necessarily ours.
Maybe that’s why certain things are working for them and not us … because we shouldn’t be trying to emulate other’s success formula. Instead of scrolling through and feeling inspired to be like others … we need to look more inwards to find out how we can be more like us.
I heard this is a side effect of the Venus Retrograde we’re currently in - that you question your path and purpose especially around finances, so maybe that’s why it’s been coming up a lot. So if you’ve been feeling similarly - you’re not alone! It’s the planets!
I feel like this idea of trying to emulate other’s personal-business success is similar to the old “success formula” we were fed (and maybe some still are fed to this day…) of: go to college, work a corporate job, make lots of money - anything else is foolish and you’ll be broke if you don’t follow that. Meanwhile, I see so many who didn’t go to college or work for themselves without ever having worked corporate being student loan-free, homeowners enjoying their life.
& that’s just that… some paths work for some and bring lots of success and happiness … but they don’t work for everyone. There is no recipe for success and you certainly can’t find it by trying to follow someone else’s idea of success. Whether that idea is the traditional corporate idea or that idea is starting your own sign-making business because that girl on instagram doing it has lots of followers and money.
I personally struggled with this for such a long time. I went to college and worked corporate (because I had drilled into me that that was the only way) but I so longed for time freedom to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, to travel, to have fun… and to just be a writer. & I went against those desires for nearly a decade because society told me to go the corporate route. And by doing so, I was miserable and still not making nearly enough money to afford my student loans or rent in NY. So what was the point? I wasn’t successful because I wasn’t being true to me. I was listening to everyone except me and that is exactly what was blocking my natural abundance.
It wasn’t until the pandemic where the universe finally ripped the corporate career away from me that I was finally able to feel like I could breath and have control of my life and I had the time to fully dive into what I really wanted to be doing - writing and spiritual work!
I’ve definitely experienced some triumphs from following my heart so far - I finally received a publishing deal for my journal “Finding Joy in the Journey” and I so happily teach classes and give readings for a living with Spirit + Soul Studio (another blessing that manifested into my life!) but sometimes even I also struggle with my mind wandering to “what more can I be doing?”
But every time I go inwards to ask my spirit team for guidance, they always, always come back with the same response … you’re doing what your heart desires, so just BELIEVE it’s possible to receive everything you want and more by doing that.
Which I understand is super frustrating advice - you, like me may be thinking: But if I am doing what I’m meant to be doing, why isn’t it still enough?
& I think that comes down to our limiting beliefs. I think it’s a mixture of probably personal beliefs from the past in this current lifetime and past lives as a whole. But I also do think it’s from a lifetime of societal beliefs that tell you if you don’t do things one way, it’s not enough. So that’s why when you’re not doing things the way society tells you, subconsciously you feel like it’s still not enough.
Yes, even I am working through shedding those beliefs - and I’m doing so by working with my spirit team to heal them, and to just constantly remind myself that it’s possible for me to make all the money I need, to feel fulfilled, and to have more than enough clients / publishing deals / everything I could ever want and more career-wise etc.
And I’m also doing it by really staying true to my heart and watching my thoughts. I realized that by thinking “what more can I be doing?” I’m telling the Universe that what I’m doing is not enough, and therefore manifesting it not being enough.
So I’ve been shifting my focus to “I’m fulfilled and abundant and thriving as me, as a writer, as a psychic, a spiritual teacher” (like the Universe is telling me to do and believe) so with this, of course it's going to manifest for me in divine timing.
It’s also a matter of letting go and trusting that the Universe isn’t leading you astray by following your heart - that there will be a way. Feel determined. Know you can do it.
So yes if you’re feeling similar, it’s obviously a tricky balance … but my advice is to stop looking at others and what they’re doing … and look to yourself. Ask yourself: If no one else’s opinions matter, If I knew my success was guaranteed no matter what - what would I want to be doing?
Meditating on it really helps too! Journaling on this! Writing it all out and getting to the bottom of what your dream life looks like… and then following that anyway you can.
I started my spiritual business and making self-published decks while still in my corporate job & by doing so I just kept pretending and intending to manifest that that was my full time job … and within a few years, it was. It became it - the Universe made it happen, but also I made it happen.
& I’m going to continue to make it happen by quieting out the other noise of what everyone else is doing, and just keep checking in. If I want to be a writer, I need to keep writing and keep submitting to agents despite all the rejections. If I want to have more clients for readings, I need to become an energetic magnet for them and more … and I need to know it will all be enough. I don’t need to start any kind of other side business or resort back to corporate, the Universe has my back, the Universe wants me on this path, so that’s what I have to believe and trust.
The same is true for you! Follow your heart, do whatever you can to make it feel real, to start, to get yourself to believe. Work to heal your limiting beliefs and especially heal those societal limiting beliefs that tell you it’s hard to make it on your own or doing whatever you’re doing. And anytime you feel that doubt creeping in, I recommend checking in with your higher self and reminding yourself what it is you want to be doing.
Just know you got this! It may sound cliche but the keys to your personal success really lie within your heart. You know your path better than anyone …and trust it. The road may (and probably will) be rocky, you may have doubts, but so long as you sleep sticking to YOUR path regardless of others and keep believing - you can and will absolutely get there :)