So I obviously talk a lot about different mindset practices and shifts, manifestation guidance, universal energy, etc. and most of these lessons come from my real life experiences. I started out in 2007 reading oracle cards, communicating with the angels, and reading lots of spiritual books - but my biggest and best lessons have come from actual experiences I’ve gone through and actually trying out all these mindset and manifestation practices, seeing what works for me, what doesn’t work, and how it can maybe help others!
Here’s an old blog post about some of my favorite things I manifested and how I did it! This is one of my favorites!
But on that note, I’d like to do something a little different in this blog post. Instead of sharing what I went through and how I made changes, I’m going to talk about the what I’m currently working on and what is helping me the most now!
Honestly, no matter how great you get at manifestation and understanding universal energy, there will always be something new to learn. We’re humans, if the learning stopped - what would be the point? So yes, even though I’ve been in this spiritual realm for over a decade, I still have things to work on! Yes, I’ve come a long way and made some pretty cool things happen, but there’s still more I want to achieve and more things I’d like to change - and you know what? Once I reach that level, there will definitely be even more things I’d like to create and change. And that’s normal, that’s life! We’re always a work in progress.
I think a lot of people who want to get into spiritual teaching hold back because they feel they’re not yet perfect themselves - but the truth is no one is. We’re all going to always be a work in progress (even those spiritual leaders who have hundreds of thousands of followers and bestselling books are works in progress!). Just because you’re working on yourself doesn’t mean you can’t help others! In fact, it helps you help them even more because you understand - and maybe you understand exactly what they’re going through; maybe you’re just one or two steps ahead of them, and your wisdom is exactly what they need!
So, anywhere, here’s what I’m working on currently - and maybe some of these lessons can help you too!
I obviously know a lot of the principles around manifesting; but there’s a few areas for me that have felt kind of stagnant and like no matter what I do they just haven’t necessarily been working. Mainly in finances & housing. These two areas are riddled with limiting beliefs from society - everywhere you go people are talking about how expensive cost of living is (especially I live on Long Island, NY) and how money is never enough. I’ve also had a few things that still really bothered me. I’ve held onto a lot of anger from my previous corporate job and how terrible they treated me, I have a former friend who our relationship imploded and that really bothered me, and I also have another person in my life who’s pretty difficult who I can’t cut out that just really affects me.
So, I’ve actually been doing Akashic Records readings for a while with Emily of Emily the Mystic. Go check her out, not only is she an amazing psychic and healer but just an amazing person!
And we’ve been going into my records to heal these things and also figure out the source of them.
Some things stemmed from past lives, some stemmed from subconscious programming as a child, and some were just things that happened in my teen / adult life that still have a hold on me. Diving into these have really helped me understand why, and helped me consciously work to let them go and feel better about them.
I don’t know if it’s solely because I’m a Virgo Sun with an overload of Leo in my chart (all that fire) but I actually have a hard time letting things go. I could hold a grudge for a lifetime tbh 🤣🙈. I also have very strong opinions about everything. So, I’m learning that I need to let things go. That these things aren’t worth holding onto because they’re actually taking up space within my energy field - space that the Universe could be filling with better things! (Like aligned opportunities, clients, money, experiences, etc!)
Also with Emily, I’ve used some of her subconscious reprogramming tips and meditation to go deep into my subconscious mind and do some inner child healing. I didn’t have a bad childhood in any sense, but like most of us, I received lots of limiting beliefs that have been passed on from generations (especially around money - for example: both sides of my families immigrated to America from Ireland during the Potato Famine & then once in America, it was the Great Depression so there’s definitely a scarcity mindset that subconsciously got passed on!). I also, being a chart full of fire and a Leo Moon, always had big emotions that were maybe not always understood… so I’ve been going into my subconscious mind to talk to my inner child to tell her she’s valued, she’s worthy of money, she’s worthy of expressing her emotions to the fullest, and that there’s nothing wrong with her, she’s amazing and wonderfully her!
It’s been taxing for sure to go into these old memories and heal wounds, but it’s already been helping a lot, and I already have started to see some positive changes!
So, sometimes, if you know you’re doing everything right manifestation wise but there’s still something holding you back, it’s oftentimes something embedded in your subconscious mind. So, going inwards to work on healing those and changing those can be super powerful!
Another thing I’ve become aware of is that I’ve actually, and almost embarrassingly because I teach this lesson all the time 🤣🙈, have been focusing on lack and what’s missing from my life and what I need to make happen!
I’ve found my mind dwelling on that it may not be enough money, enough clients, or how I want to move and I’m unsure how to do that because housing prices have gone up so drastically and how I work for myself so I’m fully in charge of my income, etc.
I alwayssss want to make a plan (my Virgo Sun) and I’m always trying to solve things, but I realized I’ve been spending way too much time trying to solve my problems that I’ve been unintentionally making my problems my primary vibration!
Like Abraham Hicks teaches, your vibration and energy cannot flow two ways. It’s always flowing in one direction and that direction is either towards what you want or what you don’t want.
So again, even though my intention was to try to create what I wanted, I was still low-key focused on what I didn’t want.
So, I’ve been actively working on switching that around and focusing on the good aspects of it; and just letting go of the “how” (because remember, we decide the what and why, the Universe fills in the how and when!).
I’ve also been implementing more gratitude. I'm grateful for the amazing clients I do have! And the income I do make (and it's 100% made on my own, not because I traded my time and skills to a corporation! My business income is all me which feels even more special!).
Even though I’m not 100% where I want to be, I’m also living what I once dreamed about years ago. I work for myself, I don’t go into an office, I don’t have a miserable commute like I used to, I work from home on my own schedule! I have the love of my life who truly exceeded all expectations of what a partner could be (and again, my Virgo Sun and Leo in Venus, had high expectations!) I’m a published author! I have my journal published and available at Barnes and Noble! I have housing now, I have an income, I have amazing followers/friends/support on instagram! I have lots of good things that I’m choosing to be sooo grateful for. The Universe worked its magic to make those unfold in the best way possible … so if that happened, why can’t these other things I’m hoping for happen as well?
I’m feeling gratitude for all that the Universe has delivered, and simultaneously knowing that what I want is inevitable. Every time I want to worry, I’ve been telling myself my feelings are valid, but then I just overpower those worries with pretending like it’s already solved.
I’ve been trying to celebrate making the income I want, receiving the house I want that I can afford, being able to go to Europe, etc. I once used celebration to manifest my way out of jobs, to get my publishing deal, to have the love of my life - so I’m choosing to focus on that now to get me to my next level!
I’ve been meditating more and trying to consistently visualize living my best life. I’ve been doing energetic protection and cleansing more to block out the bad vibes, and I’m especially trying to not let negative people ruin my day or bring me down in anyway. Because like I always say, no one is worthy of dimming your light! And that’s true for me too - no one is worthy of stealing a second of my happiness.
I’ve been guilty of letting some negative people ruin my day this year, but I’m actively trying to not give them the power; to reclaim my own power, and to keep shining bright regardless. I do this but just energetically asking Archangel Michael to cut the cords, to protect me in a bubble of light, and to clear out any energy that is not mine. And after that, I choose to focus on things that make me happy, that bring me joy, that lift me up instead.
I’ve also been working on living in the present. I realized I’ve been worrying too much about the future, about what’s going to happen, about what I can make happen, that I haven’t been fully invested in my present moment…and it’s summer! I want to be invested in living in the present in summer! Summer is my favorite season; it fills me with so much joy. So, I’ve been actively choosing to not worry about tomorrow, about a month from now, a year from now, etc, and shifting my focus to really be present, to enjoy whatever activity I’m doing, to not let external forces drag me down, and to play, to laugh, to adventure, to live life to the fullest!
So, yes, that’s what I’ve been working on as of late!
To do some deep inner healing and subconscious reprogramming
To focus on what’s right, not what’s wrong
To ground myself in gratitude
To live in the present
And above all to know it’s all going to work out for me!
Hope this maybe inspired you; and maybe to remind you of things you want to work on as well! And above all remember, we’re ALL works in progress! I know on instagram you always see me smiling in beautiful locations in cute dresses; and I will say it is all genuine (it’s not an instagram vs reality type thing!), but I do have down days, too. I like my instagram to be inspiring, hopeful, uplifting so of course I want to present good vibes to help you feel empowered but just know I’m working on things, too… and usually that’s where all my lessons come from, from having hope while working through the tough times and coming out stronger and wiser!
And the same is true for you - you will always come out stronger and wiser; you can conquer anything and you truly can manifest any magic <3