So this holiday season, a second edition of my mindset journal Finding Joy in the Journey was released. It’s the same exact content, same words, just with a new aesthetic and new title: Today I am Grateful for. While it is the same piece repackaged, the major difference in this one is that it’s finally available in Barnes & Noble!
In all honestly, I was actually disappointed that Finding Joy in the Journey never made it in stock to my local Barnes & Noble. Obviously, publishing is a business and things like that are out of my control and I’m sure there were valid reasons … but my longstanding dream had always been to see my work in Barnes & Noble.
Since I was 17 years old (basically since I could drive) I used to take a ride to the Barnes & Noble nearest to my hometown and I would walk around and imagine I was finding my book. I’d specifically look alphabetically and place where it would be. I would just declare and know and pray that one day I’d be a bestselling published author.
So, in 2021 when I finally receive a publishing deal (you can read about that in this blog post), I thought *finally* my moment was going to happen where I could go back to my hometown Barnes & Noble and finally find it there. Only, Finding Joy in the Journey seemed to stay online. Whenever I’d check “find in a store near me” on the Barnes & Noble website it said not available anywhere in my area.
I was sad, but I knew it wasn’t the end. I was still grateful for the opportunity to have my first work published by a legit publisher, and I knew in the future I’d have plenty more books and decks and works that would make the shelves. I remained positive.
So, to my surprise, this December I found out they were releasing a new version of my journal. It had been completely rebranded in a new aesthetic, however it was the same exact content I had created for Finding joy in the Journey. But this time when I checked “find in a store near me” on the Barnes & Noble website, it was in stock in sooo many local stores! I couldn’t believe it.
So of course, I immediately went to my local Barnes & Noble. I searched a few sections where I knew the journals and gifts were, and then… I found it.
I felt really emotional; I *almost* teared up. There my work was… on the shelves of Barnes & Noble, ready for anyone to purchase it. I even turned to the “About the Author” page where a picture I had taken in my bedroom with a backdrop was smiling up at me. Not only was my work in Barnes & Noble, but my face was too!
I did it. I really manifested it. For over 10 years I came to this exact store pretending my work was there and now it really, actually was.
It may have taken longer than my 17 year old self would’ve wanted, but it was all a journey, and I see now it was all necessary for my growth. I’m just grateful I never gave up and I’m grateful I had this opportunity.
Seeing my work finally in a book store just made me feel like the Universe had always been listening; my angels had always been listening. They weren’t leading me on all those years when I’d ask for help being published and they’d assured me someday I’d make it. They actually were working on it, and it did happen. I made it happen!
I felt very overwhelmed with gratitude and I very much knew if this dream, my biggest dream, could manifest - of course anything and everything else could, too.
My other biggest dream, my true love Justin, was super excited for me so the next day, together we went to his hometown Barnes & Noble and found it there together. It made my heart really happy to not only see my work in anotherBarnes & Noble, but to experience it with my true love. This really was everythingmy 17 year old self, my 20 year old self, my 23, 25, 27, etc basically every version of myself would’ve wanted.
Now, this journal may not be the big bestseller I had always dreamed about. But I know it’s a start. And I’m grateful for it. And I’m grateful for anyone who chooses to purchase it, whether they know me and want to support me or they just think it looks like a cute journal that’ll help them. It may not be massive, but it’s still a dream come true.
And I know that someday, I will have a book that will be a bestseller in Barnes & Noble, too.
Anyway, this is your reminder that if you have a big dream that seems like it’s taking forever or not happening, keep going. I’m proof that while it may seemingly take a while, so long as it feels good and you keep trying and believing, it will happen for you!
If you’d like to buy Today I am Grateful For check it out here! I’d also super appreciate if you went in stores to purchase it (and if you wanted to take a pic of it and send to me that would mean sooo much too!)